Great Barrington, MA- Build Back Better-Together: Creating the Future We Want
Great Barrington, MA. Draft Discussion Building a Placemaking Campaign
Restoring social life in rural communities starts with a rethinking of streets, public spaces, and community institutions.
Great Barrington, MA. Draft Discussion Building a Placemaking Campaign
we found and learned from some truly wonderful examples of small-town social life, and it is these glimmers of hope that can lay the foundation for new attention to public spaces in smaller communities.
As "in-between" spaces, porches create a soft edge that mediates between individual and community, public and private, and in these times, offer a safe way to maintain our social, mental and physical health.
Cities were “an invention to maximise exchange and minimise travel”...I am fascinated about, "How the design of the public realm impacts the quality of social, cultural and civic life."