What can we learn from Hammondsport as we create the future of small towns?

Arriving: Downtown and Main Square
When you arrive in Hammondsport, you can sense that something is special here. As one enters the downtown area, there are countless indications, big and small, of a strong sense of community. It is easy to see that Hammondsport has a dedicated group of people who have been creating a town with unique qualities over time, making Hammondsport what it is today.
There is strong evidence of what we call "zealous nuts," an affectionate term for people who don't know what they can't do – often the people who make the most positive changes in their communities. By the way that people live and care about their homes and communities in Hammondsport, it seems this type of enthusiasm is alive and well.

Image Source: Hammondsport Chamber of Commerce
Some of the assets that one immediately notices in town are right in the center. Public buildings and community institutions adjoin the most important public spaces, including the local church, a bed and breakfast, and a gazebo (with seating!) in the town square, along with a police station along the waterfront.

Keuka Watersports, lake shop and boat rentals and police station on the waterfront, church on the square, bed and breakfast and gazebo and seating in the town square.
As you arrive in Hammondsport, you can see active storefronts and buildings directly in front of you which give a clear indication of a lively downtown. The road seems to end at a row of stores, piquing your interest enough for you to slow down and see what is going on.

Downtown Hammondsport
The Main Square
The center of Hammondsport is small and well-proportioned enough to draw people in for various experiences. It really serves as a square, which is often better than the more widespread "town green" approach. The latter, though often bigger, is usually much more passive. In Hammondsport, the town square has ample seating, shade, and often hosts events, markets and performances. It is the heart of town.

Many downtown businesses huddle around the square, reinforcing its role as a center point. A mix of gastronomic and wine tourism-related attractions mingle with local establishments like hardware stores and libraries.

Shethar Street is one of the main streets that borders the town square, and has various storefronts and outdoor dining areas that spill out onto the sidewalk.

The ice cream parlor is one of the main attractions, in large part due to its ample outdoor seating space.

Other sections of Shethar Street include the historic Frey Opera House (circa 1901) along with a street full of surprises so narrow that you literally have to "walk" your car through it, adding to the appeal.

Image Source: Opera House Antiques website
There are two key attractions located in this unusual building which has stores on the ground floor, apartments on two floors, and the actual "opera hall" on the top level venue.
The Opera House Antiques and a Wine Barrel store are major and equally interesting attractions at the street level. Beautiful storefronts and sidewalk seating make this a lovely place to visit.

Across the street is a dynamic collection of buildings that offer food, art and public seating – seven chairs and a bench – and much more that is impossible to ignore as the active sidewalk draws you in.

Hammondsport also has a mini art park, labeled as a "pedestrian marketplace." It is not meant as a place to merely look at and pass through; ample seating and shaded picnic tables encourage a longer stay.

The art park is part of a wider engagement with public art in Hammondsport. This year marked the Annual Palettes 2022 Art Tour Exhibition, which was a summer-long art tour that is in its 16th year. Local businesses sponsor an artist to paint a "palette" to be placed on their property. This year there were 29 "palettes" in and around the downtown. People are invited to tour around town to find them, and then to fill out a form to get a prize. At the end of the summer, each "palette" is sold off and proceeds go to local charities.

Behind the opera house are other treasures that add to the mix of Hammondsport's great offerings.

Hammondsport's Library
Though the library is another lovely shared space in Hammondsport, its sense of place could have benefitted from a more accessible location in the downtown. Being on a hill with steep stairs leading up to the main entrance has the effect of setting the library above other destinations, and making it feel a bit disconnected.
A connected plaza on the street level or slightly higher could give it a real presence. Adding seating and some sculptures could be even quicker ways to change that perception. Behind the library is a delightful park/gathering place – a wonderful destination that is a little too separate from the main building.

A Community of Porches
We've written before about the importance of porches in small towns. They are a major part of connecting neighbors with one another, and Hammondsport is yet another community that makes this case.

There is a small but compact corner of Keuka Lake, one of the many Finger lakes in Western New York State, where the center piece is an interesting architectural structure that actually serves as the local police station.

Outside the town there was another indication that we were coming into a community that deserves greater attention...a combination of an ice cream "parlor" and a place to wash your dog and car.

The difference between Hammondsport and most other small towns is that the community is defined by a square and streets with attractions that are impossible to miss. There are so many charming destinations to explore and that make walking around a joyful experience. They are well-connected to the center of town, making them easily accessible and thus, frequently visited.
What's more, the streets are not big and overwhelming. They are narrow, scaled to the buildings and public spaces within the community. Because of this, it feels appealing and easy to get out of your car and walk around. It's even preferable than driving through as one does for most other small towns where there are oversized roads and intersections. As you walk around, you are rewarded with countless lovely details that you can now notice.
It is also easy to see strong evidence that the community has many residents who care about their community. Hammondsport's art programs like the Annual Palettes Art Tour Exhibition communicate community pride as they showcase residents' creativity. The town is also well-maintained and beautiful, regularly making efforts to improve while holding on to what makes it special.
There are many long-standing stores that have stayed downtown as anchors. The grocery and auto parts store are still there after many years. There are many reasons for being in downtown on a daily basis as it can satisfy your needs and interests whether you are a local or a visitor.
Improvisation is the foundation for local communities to define themselves, and it is clearly at work in Hammondsport; you can see it everywhere. Business owners and community members regularly put creative additions onto their buildings, sidewalk space, and squares, making the town an interesting place to explore.
Hammondsport has a lot to teach other small towns by working to preserve what makes it special while always striving to be the best it can be. We hope to see other towns following its lead.
Our background of exploring many small towns across the Northeast United States
For the past two and a half years we have been traveling throughout the entire Northeast US region, visiting small towns. Most towns, in fact the vast majority, are held back by the strategies we outline below. We found Hammondsport to be a community that works. It is a wonderful example for other communities working to create a future for their community. This collection of posts about rural communities is full of similar stories and larger discussions on how to bring back rural North America:

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Further Reading

The Placemaking Movement

To the Hammondsport Community, this is a draft post that, with help from those of you who have made this happen, we could make a resource for other communities your size.